What Is Main Chain and Understanding How Does the Main Chain Work?

  • The Main chain is also known as blockchain.
  • The transaction is broadcasted to all nodes, and then it is verified.
  • It is one of the most secure and reliable technologies.

The main chain of a cryptocurrency is the prime chain of a blockchain community associated with a specific digital currency. In this article, we will discuss the concept and principles of the main chain, exploring its role and functions within the world of crypto.

What Is the Main Chain

The main chain, commonly referred to as “the blockchain,” is the central component of a blockchain network. It functions as the primary ledger or database, recording all transactions and making them unchangeable and visible. Consider it the blockchain’s backbone, upon which everything else is built.

The Functionality of the Main Chain

The mainchain is designed to facilitate the exchange of information between all participants that access the ledger through an application. Access to the ledger in terms of both reading and writing is either unrestricted (‘unauthorized’) or limited (‘permitted’). The information shared is immutable, meaning that any alteration would be readily and immediately detectable.

How Does the Main Chain Work? 

Here is how the Main Chain work:

Transaction Validation

Network nodes receive the transaction and validate it. They check if the sender has enough funds to execute the transaction. Network nodes also check if the transaction follows the network’s rules and protocols to prevent double-spending.

Block formation 

When a transaction is validated, it is combined with other verified transactions to form a block. A hash, a unique identifier generated by cryptographic techniques, is included in a block. A hash represents a block’s digital fingerprint and ensures its integrity.

Consensus Mechanism

A consensus mechanism is used to add a new block to the master chain. The most widely used consensus mechanism is known as Proof of Work (PoW). In Proof of Work, nodes compete with each other to solve intricate mathematical riddles. The node that solves the riddle wins the right to include the block in the master chain. This requires considerable computational resources and helps reduce fraudulent activity.

Block addition

After solving the puzzle, a node inserts the block into the master chain. A block is inserted into the master chain in order of sequence, creating a continuous and unchangeable record of every transaction. This sequence is repeated for each new block added to the master chain.

Network synchronization

All nodes on the network share a single master chain. They update their master chain copy regularly by receiving and verifying new transactions and block data. This synchronization means that all nodes share the same master chain version and agree on their network state.

Security and decentralization

The decentralized nature of the master chain means that no single actor controls the network. Validation and verification are distributed across multiple nodes, so they’re not susceptible to censorship or manipulation. Once a transaction is entered into the master chain, it can’t be altered or manipulated, increasing security and trust.


To be precise, the main chain validates and verifies transactions, creates blocks, and adds them to the blockchain through the use of consensus techniques. The main chain continues the safety, transparency, and decentralization of a cryptocurrency network by developing a trustless and unchangeable record of all transactions.

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